Custom Software Development

EKRA develops custom softwares
for businesses, in every sector


We create custom software solutions, designed specifically for your company's processes and organization, to help you improve market response times, service quality, and profitability.


A tailor-made software for your business needs is a crucial distinctive aspect for your company, benefiting both internal communication management and the establishment of a robust and shared corporate culture.

Software we can create for you

Telematic control

Monitor production, collect data, calculate KPIs, analyze with Artificial Intelligence, anticipate trends and send reports with our Internet of Things systems (IoT).

Discover the patented solution by EKRA for telematic control.

Business Management

Simplify and automate your internal processes with software perfectly integrated with your company. Save time and resources.


Keep orderly records and satisfied customers. A customized CRM helps you cultivate strong relationships, increase trust, and improve efficiency.

Web Portals

Allow your customers to interact with your business in a simple and intuitive way. Whether it's content management, e-commerce, or something else, make your online presence unforgettable.

Discover our professional Web Portal development service.


Bring your business online with a tailor-made e-commerce. Sell products and services, with easy and secure management, leveraging the potential of online commerce and increase your revenue.

Discover our custom E-Commerce development service.

Mobile app

We create Custom Apps for your business. Share data and interact with customers, offering intuitive and high-performance experiences to win over your users wherever they are.

Discover our custom Business App development service.


We integrate your existing software systems to optimize workflows, avoid duplications, and improve efficiency. Maximize your technological investments through a thoroughly studied integration.

choose EKRA



For about 10 years we have been taking care of our customers' needs in the Web field.
The EKRA team is made up of software and Web development experts, as well as graphic designers and SEO experts.



Since 2021, EKRA has earned the title of Innovative Company, for the patents registered and the commitment to the development of new ideas.
Every day we strive to consolidate this distinctive competence.



The customer's needs are always at the top of our priorities.
Thanks to our customer service, we are always available to make changes or customize the software.



We tackle and manage the issues that may arise during a project, or in the provision of a service with professionalism and attention, also thanks to the adoption of specific methodologies, such as, for example, Agile and ITIL.

software su misura




Software for every sector

EKRA aims to meet the needs of every customer.
Our custom software development services are available for multiple sectors, whether they are industrial or commercial.

We have already developed custom software for:



Create your software now

How a
custom software is born

Everything starts from the specific needs of each client.

After an initial evaluation, it is possible to determine what are the characteristics and different functionalities that will make up the best software for your specific reality.


At this point, our methodology can vary according to the needs of our customers.



Waterfall Methodology

The project will be developed in a completely linear way, one piece at a time, so that it fits perfectly with the next one. Each step is started and completed before the next one can begin. For this methodology, it is necessary to have a pre-established plan from the beginning to the end, with a well-defined objective.

Fast Methodology

This methodology is used in cases where it is necessary to develop software quickly.
The different phases of realization are carried out almost simultaneously. They compose each other, one grain at a time, until reaching the final result. This methodology is also very effective for ongoing projects, which are modified or updated during the work.

Development of MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

With the development of an MVP, EKRA offers the opportunity to create a working prototype of software, in the shortest possible time and with the minimum set of features, necessary to meet the basic needs of the client. Subsequently, after verifying the limits and potentialities of the system's use in the company, we proceed to make any changes and improvements based on the new needs that have emerged, to obtain the perfect solution. This approach allows to reduce risks and initial investments, allowing to perfect the product based on user feedback, until reaching its optimal final form.

Do you want a software created custom for your needs?

Tell us about your project

The EKRA Team is always curious to meet new ideas and new opportunities.
Contact us for more information about our custom software creation service.

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